I finally took the leap and listed my first flip book (or tab book depending on what you like to call them).
I love flip books, I have been using them in the classroom for ages, even as a sub I have created flip books for the students to use, sometimes I do it on the fly (when you have made a few, you get good) other times I have taught the students to do it themselves, and when I know I am going into the classroom for a few days and what they are working on, I have created ones to take in.
I love how they can provide students with such a fabulous way to present their information or learning which they can either paste in their books or with some flair and art work can make great displays for the classroom wall. They are so great for consolidating learning into an easy reference point (rather like doing an interactive notebook). What's even better they are easy to find in a book for study. Whether it's Math or Literacy they can be made to work.
Do you get how much I like them.
I made a few (before my TPT journey even started) that I have used a few times, but I never posted them - to be honest I wasn't sure they stacked up well enough. Then I was ask by a fellow teacher to make them one, they had seen what I was doing for shapes, loved it, asked for a copy, wanted to know what else I had and asked if I could make one for Christmas (unfortunately I didn't have time).
It's amazing how someone's else validation can make you feel more confident about the stuff you are creating, rather like when you get that cha-ching sound on the TPT app when you make a sale, it lets you know someone else thinks your stuff is good (other than the students who sometimes seem so easy to please).
So I have dusted of two that I have previously made (100th day and New Years), gave them an overhaul and revamp, added a Martin Luther King flip book, bundled them up into a little packages and listed the first one (New Years)!
Then held my breath.
I waited to see what people thought......
I waited to see it would sell....
Apparently a few people liked it, it's become my top selling resource. I must say I rather proud of it.
So I have taken the plunge and listed the other two.
Each pack has 2 or more cover options and different level of response pages to allow teachers to cater to different grade/age levels and differentiate where needed for student operating levels, and of course each pack comes with the all important 'How to Assemble' pages.
If you are interested just click on any of the pages and it will take you to my TPT store.
In the mean time I am just please to have taken the leap of faith, believed in my work, believed that I do have a different enough take on the flip books that people will be interested and best of all believed in myself.
I think the lesson in here is that I should believe in myself a bit more.
In the mean time I am going to go and take advantage of the rest of this holiday and create a bit more, after all my list is a mile long of ideas after spending time in the classroom, and I have a few more flip books up my sleeve that I want to re do and revamp and finish off ready to post.
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