Joining in on the TPT Sellers Challenge

Ok, so I'm new to TPT but I saw this as a great way to really commit to my TPT and get cracking on getting things up and posted, and even spend a little more time on this neglected little blog.

So for the first challenge is a product makeover.  At first I thought, I don't have one to make over...then I looked at my store (all 30 products) and realized there is one I have never really been all that happy with.

I had created these number charts for students I was working with for 3 days who were really struggling with place value.  After purchasing SamizdatMath resource about teaching place value wrong I realized that the number chart starting with a zero could really help.  So they were created in a bit of a hurry but they still worked really well in the class.

So while I was happy with how they worked I was just never really happy with how they looked and being that I'm my own worst critic it kept bugging me :)

So what I changed was:
1. The cover got a complete overhaul
2. The background colors of all the pages
3. The title font of each number chart
4. How it was listed on TPT with its description and creating a square title page for the thumb nail so it looks so much better especially on the widget.

What I'm loving even more is that I have finally worked out how to link the TPT widget to my blog and how to do square cover pages so I'm ticking all the boxes of what I wanted to learn to do.

Today is certainly proving to be a win win for me :)


  1. I like the easy to read fonts! Great for little firsties :)

    1. Thank you, the font annoyed me the most so much happier with how it looks now :)

  2. Welcome to TPT! You'll be so glad you took the plunge! I love your updated products. The new fonts are perfect!

    Michaela Almeida, Reading Royalty
