January Currently 2016

I actually remembered to join in on a currently again, they are such a fun way to focus your thinking....

Listening - My sons silly conversations - they are 12 and 16 and for the most part get on  really well, but listening to them when they get on a topic....you have just gotta laugh.

Loving - 2 full weeks of family time is very rare for us, as in haven't had it in over 2 years.  With hubby working and living in another city we only get family time every 2nd weekend, so 2 weeks over Christmas/New Year has been amazing.  We even got to fit in a little sailing holiday (cut short due to storms, but hey).

Thinking - Life is a journey, and sometimes that journey sucks, it's how you deal with it, learn from it and grow that allows you to move forth with the new journeys that lie ahead.  While 2015 finished badly for me that journey is finished, and I know the next one can only be better and that's what I have to focus on.

Needing - more self belief - gee I wish you could buy this in shops, magic potion anyone!  I am my worst critic and it doesn't take much for me to doubt myself.

One Little Word - Health - not such a little word for me.  Last year I started to make progress with getting rid of my excess weight and was feeling really great, fell of the progress wagon but didn't gain anything for 6 months and then over 2 months (last year's hell months) I gained 5 kilos (12 pounds).  Not happy with this in the least!!!!  So this year I am refocusing on me and ridding myself of excess kilos/pounds one step at a time.   Not focusing on being skinny but rather healthy, want to stop feeling so tired and bloated but have the energy I was gaining and the drive I was gaining back and I want to take it further - so health.


  1. First of all, I LOVE the fonts you used! Self belief is always a great quality to have. Keep doing what you're doing. Sometimes it is good that we can critique ourselves. That just means we take pride in what we do and want the best outcome! :) Happy New Year!

  2. Love focusing on being healthy and not a number on a scale or anything else! Good for you!!!
